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Look for the light from the stable door, says Bishop John

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It’s not easy to find among the hustle and bustle, but look for the light from the stable door, the Bishop of Swansea and Brecon says in his Christmas message.Bishop John Lomas was at Knighton Church in Wales Primary School for the pupils' carol concert."With all the distractions that we see, with all the lights that we see around us, I'm looking for a light that comes through the crack of a stable door," he said."It's hard to find this time of year, but I'm looking for it anyway, and I'm hoping that you are looking for it too."When we find that light, that stable door, when we lean against the rusty old hinges of that stable door and push it wide open, it's there, I believe, we will find what all of us are looking for," he said."We'll find that peace and we'll find that security of a God who loves us, loves us enough to send a son into the world, to share this life with us, to encourage us, to teach us, to lead us along a way that will lead to a brighter light yet."Watch the full message below.

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