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King and Queen visit Brecon Cathedral to celebrate its centenary

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The King and Queen paid a special visit to Brecon Cathedral to mark its centenary as the mother church of the diocese.Their Majesties - on their first official engagement in Wales since the coronation in May - were greeted by pupils of Priory Church in Wales Primary School before meeting members of the community who are involved in the life of cathedral, including The Fathom Trust, Brecon Mind and Friends of Brecon Cathedral, which His Majesty was Patron of as Prince of Wales.They also met the project managers and architect who are leading the cathedral’s National Heritage Lottery-funded repair, reordering and improved interpretation and accessibility for all.The day (July 20) also marked the opening of the Brecon Choir Festival and Their Majesties heard a short programme of music by performers from the festival, including the winner of the Young Singer Award, Erin Thomas, singing the Benedictus from Rod Paton’s Ascension Jazzmass.Watch a film of the visit here

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