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'Brilliant day' as sun shines on Diocese's centenary festival

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It was a beautiful day for the diocese's centenary festival at the Royal Welsh Showground on Saturday (Sept 9), when people from across Wales came to celebrate the special occasion.The day-long celebration featured a packed programme of music, games and thanksgiving for the Diocese's 100 years, and included performances by Only Men Aloud, Mal Pope, Bryony Sier, I Sing Pop, Who’s Molly, Ify Iwobi, Builth Wells Male Voice Choir and many more.Organiser Mandy Bayton said, “It’s been a great way to celebrate the diocese’s centenary, to see so many people from across Wales coming along and supporting the event. People have been having fun, there have been some great acts on stage, lots of activities and it’s just been a brilliant day.”

Welsh content

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The Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, who, together with the Bishop of Swansea and Brecon, John Lomas, and other church leaders, led a prayer for Wales, said, “It’s great to be here because, when we come together to celebrate the diversity of our Church life, we see just how varied our faith and life is as a Church. It’s brilliant to be part of this celebration and I’m so grateful to those who have organised it.”When we come together to celebrate the diversity of our Church life, we see just how varied our faith and life is The festival closed with a special rendition of our centenary anthem led by Only Men Aloud and composer Mal Pope.Bishop John said, “It’s great when we’re able to get together as a diocese, when we’re able to come together and celebrate, especially when it’s a special anniversary. It’s been a tremendous day, and I’d like to thank everyone involved, especially Mandy Bayton and the team who have made this happen.”More photos here and on Facebook