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‘Theology’ means literally ‘words about God’. Christian theology involves our trying to understand and explain what God has revealed about himself through Scripture. This work is aided by the writings of past and present theologians and human reason.

Home About us Executive Leadership Team

Executive Leadership Team

Simon Lloyd - Chief Executive

My responsibilities include:

  • Providing strategic leadership for the staff team of the Representative Body of the Church in Wales.
  • Supporting the Archbishop and Bench of Bishops in achieving the Church’s mission and vision.
  • Overseeing the work of the four members of the Executive Leadership Team; Chief Operating Officer, Head of Legal Services, Director of Mission and Strategy and the Principal of St Padarn’s Institute.
  • Supporting the work of the Church Growth Fund.

Email: chiefexecoffice@cinw.org.uk

Leon Hughes - Chief Operating Officer

My responsibilities include:

  • Overseeing the operational functions of the Representative Body of the Church in Wales.
  • Managing financial, property, and human resources to support the Church’s mission and ministry.
  • Leading strategic planning and ensuring effective implementation of organizational goals.
  • Supporting the Archbishop and senior leadership with operational expertise.

Email: coooffice@cinw.org.uk

Matthew Chinery - Head of Legal Services

My responsibilities include:

  • Providing legal advice and support to the Church in Wales, its dioceses, and clergy.
  • Managing legal matters related to property, governance, and charitable compliance.
  • Ensuring the Church operates within legal and regulatory frameworks.
  • Supporting the Archbishop and senior leadership with legal expertise in decision-making.

Email: legaloffice@cinw.org.uk

Grahame Davies - Director of Mission & Strategy

My responsibilities include:

  • Developing and implementing an effective national communications strategy and service in areas such as Education, Ministry Development, Faith Order and Unity and Climate Change.
  • Working closely with the Archbishop, the Bench of Bishops, and the Chief Executive to develop, implement, and monitor clear national strategies.

Email: missionndstrategy@cinw.org.uk

Jeremy Duff - Principal, St Padarn's Institute

My responsibilities include:

  • Leading and managing the St Padarn’s Institute to deliver formation, theological education, ministerial development, and research for the Church in Wales.
  • Acting as the lead expert advisor to the bishops regarding training, formation and ministerial development.
  • Overseeing the Academic partnerships and standards of the Institute as a provider of Higher Education.
  • Setting and maintaining the culture of St Padarn’s as a Christian learning community, holding together Christian spirituality, a calling to service, and professional standards.
  • Teaching and publishing on the New Testament, Leadership, Church Growth and Greek.

Email: principal@cinw.org.uk