Licensed lay ministry
Is God calling you to licensed lay ministry in the Church in Wales?
Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) are licensed by the bishops of the Church in Wales for public representative ministry. They play a vital role in the life of the Church in Wales, serving alongside clergy to nurture faith and enable mission. They are lay people who are trained and licensed by their bishop to carry out their ministry. Most LLMs are known as Readers, although some LLMs are licensed to other specific ministries, such as evangelism, chaplaincy, or children, youth and family ministry.
The work of LLMs varies across different communities, reflecting the needs of each local context. Many LLMs are involved in teaching, preaching, leading worship, and supporting mission. With additional training, some LLMs also take funerals.
LLM ministry is often carried out alongside other work and commitments, offering a unique opportunity to share the love of Christ in both church and daily life.
Before becoming a Licensed Lay Minister, you will take part in a process of discernment to explore God’s calling on your life. The first step of discernment to Licensed Lay Ministry is to speak with your church leader or chaplain about your sense of calling. They will work with you and arrange a meeting with your diocesan vocations team, who will guide you through the process.
Your diocesan vocations team will work closely with you, using the qualities for discernment to guide the process. These qualities will be explored with you in detail. A document detailing these qualities can be found here:
There is no need to worry if some of these qualities feel unfamiliar at first – your vocations team will guide you through the discernment process and support you every step of the way.
When you are ready, your bishop may invite you to attend a discernment process known as a diocesan discernment panel, where your calling and suitability for LLM training will be prayerfully considered.
If recommended, you will train through St Padarn's Institute. Upon completing your initial formation and training, you will be licensed by your bishop as an LLM.
For more information about training at theological college, please see St Padarn’s website:
Discern your call in your diocese
Visit your diocesan website to explore ministry in your diocese and to begin discerning what God might be calling you to: