Generic Job Description Archdeacon
To be read in conjunction with the generic job descriptions for the Bishop, Area Dean, and Incumbent.
Post: Archdeacon
Purpose: To support the Bishop as Chief Shepherd, Pastor and Minister of the Diocese, a visible sign serving the Church’s unity and continuity in apostolic life mission and ministry.
Responsible: In collaboration and full co-operation with the Bishop, Area Deans, Clergy and Laity for leading, co-ordinating and administering the Archdeaconry.
Principal Tasks and Duties
- To play a part in the affairs of the Province as required.
- To attend Archdeacons’ meetings.
- To work closely with the Bishop as a ’critical friend’ sharing a common vision for the diocese and complementing the bishops’ gifts in areas of: – Pastoral care and support of clergy and their families – Training and resourcing of the Church with regard to future terms of service for Clergy – Bishop’ review – Profiling of parishes – Developing and implementing stategy for mission and ministry in the diocese.
- To be a member of the Bishop’s Staff in the Diocese and contribute to the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Diocesan Policies and procedures.
- To represent the Bishop and Diocese at provincial led meetings and events as requested
- To participate in diocesan appointment procedures for vacancies
- To contribute to the financial and organisational management of the diocese through involvement with appropriate committees, helping to set priorities, aiding the process of inspiring and communicating vision.
- To organise regular meetings of the Area Deans
- To support and encourage the work of the Area Deans
- To ensure Area Deans are aware of new or changing developments within the Diocese and archdeaconry and to support the Area Dean in implementation
- To work closely with Area Deans in training, supporting and maintaining pastoral care of clergy
- To assist the Bishop in the appointment of Area Deans
- To ensure that parishes comply with the law governing the administration of the electoral roll
- To act as President of the Archdeacon’s Court in deciding disputes concerning the electoral roll
- To undertake the functions and administration associated with visitations – Admitting churchwardens – Ensuring maintenance of inventory and parsonage
- To chair parish vestry meetings when the office of Area Dean is vacant where necessary.
- To advise clergy, PCC’s and laity on matters concerning the maintenance of the church, churchyard and church hall
- To facilitate pastoral reorganisation
- To support and guide parishes during vacancies and during periods of clergy incapacity.
- To ensure clergy are aware of terms of office and ensure compliance with the prescribed procedures, including clergy discipline
- To encourage and support clergy in ongoing ministerial development through training and mentoring.
- To participate in parish ministry
- To be a member of the Cathedral Chapter