Chapter IV B: Regulations relating to The Deanery Conference
In exercise of its powers under Chapter II of the Constitution, the Governing Body hereby makes the following regulations entitled “Governing Body Regulations relating to the Deanery Conference” which are set out as follows:
- Part I: Composition
- Part II: Duration of Membership
- Part III: Business and Proceedings
Part I: Composition
The ex-officio members shall be all Clerics other than retired Clerics, all deaconesses other than retired deaconesses, and all full-time stipendiary lay workers, officiating with the Bishop’s permission within the Deanery, or officiating elsewhere in the diocese but residing within the Deanery.
2.1 The elected members shall be such number of lay qualified electors from each Parish within the Deanery, as prescribed by the Diocesan Conference and elected by the Annual Vestry meetings.
2.2 A supplemental list shall be made by each Vestry meeting at the same time and in similar manner.
2.3 In the event of any elected member being unable or unwilling to attend any meeting of the Conference, the member’s place for that meeting shall be taken by the first or next available lay representative from the Parish in the order in which they appear on the supplemental list.
2.4 Any casual vacancy among those elected under Regulation 2.1 shall be filled by the Parochial Church Council from the supplemental list.
3.1 The co-opted members shall be:
3.1.1 such number (if any) of licensed readers and licensed lay workers as the Diocesan Conference may prescribe for co-option in that Deanery; and
3.1.2 such number (if any) as the Deanery Conference may determine to co-opt of retired Clerics and deaconesses officiating with the Bishop’s permission within the Deanery, or so officiating elsewhere in the diocese but residing within the Deanery.
The number of clerical members shall not exceed the number of lay members, and the number of co-opted members shall not exceed the number of elected members.
Part II: Duration of Membership
5.1 The elected members and the supplemental lay representatives from the Parish shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-election.
5.2 The co-opted members shall hold office for a period of three years.
Part III: Business and Proceedings
The Area Dean or, failing him or her, the Vice-Chairman appointed under Chapter IV B section 10(g) shall preside at all meetings of the Conference and shall have a casting vote.
In the event of the absence of the Area Dean and the Vice-Chairman, the Conference shall appoint another member to preside at the meeting and such member, while presiding, shall have a casting vote.
The failure of any Parish to elect or return members or to choose supplemental lay representatives, shall not prevent the Conference from proceeding with the despatch of business.
At the beginning of each three year period mentioned in Regulation 5.1, the Secretary shall prepare and maintain a list of members of the Conference and shall update the list on the filling of any casual vacancy.
There shall be an annual meeting of the Conference held not later in the year than 31st July, and three other quarterly meetings unless the Conference agrees from time to time to dispense with any of such quarterly meetings.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 10, further meetings of the Conference may be summoned by the Area Dean at his or her discretion and shall be summoned either at the request of the Bishop or upon a request in writing signed by not less than one-fourth of the members of the Conference.
12.1 If the Diocesan Conference determines under Chapter IV A section 9 that its lay members shall be elected by the Deanery Conference, the lay members of the Deanery Conference shall elect, in such manner as the Diocesan Conference shall appoint, such number of lay representatives as the Diocesan Conference prescribes for the Deanery.
12.2 The Secretary of the Conference shall forward, within seven days of the election, to the Secretary of the Diocesan Conference the names of the persons so elected.
Deanery Conferences in the same diocese may meet together (in which event the senior Area Dean will normally preside at the joint meeting and Regulation 6 shall apply), provided that no election of representatives to the Diocesan Conference shall be made at any such joint meeting.