
Words on this page


‘Bishop’ comes from the Greek word for ‘overseer’. So a bishop is a senior Christian minister authorised to have oversight for God’s people. As well as duties given to deacons and priests, bishops confirm and ordain.


‘Evangelion’ means ‘good news’. Evangelism is about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection in the hope that others may come to believe in and follow Jesus.

Home Evangelism Submitting Tier 1 grant applications

Submitting Tier 1 grant applications

This page provides guidance on submitting Tier 1 grant applications for the Church Growth Fund.

Tier 1 applications are for grants of up to £10,000.

You can find some answers to frequently asked questions about grant applications to the Church Growth Fund here: FAQs - Church Growth Fund.

Quick summary – Tier 1 grant applications
  • Get in touch with the Church Growth Fund team (churchgrowthfund@cinw.org.uk) to let them know what you are proposing.
  • Download and complete a Tier 1 grant application form.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Grant Terms and Conditions.
  • Submit your Tier 1 grant application to the diocesan bishop no later than 28 working days before submission to the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group.
  • Submit your Tier 1 grant application form to the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group by email (churchgrowthfund@cinw.org.uk) by the deadlines noted below (no later than 14 working days before an Allocation Group meeting).
  • You will be informed of the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group’s decision no later than five working days after the Group has met.
  • If your grant is approved, sign and return the Grants Terms and Conditions.

Developing a Tier 1 grant application

The first step in any Tier 1 grant application is to let the Church Growth Fund team know what you are proposing by emailing churchgrowthfund@cinw.org.uk.

You are required to complete a Tier 1 application form in order to submit a Tier 1 grant application. If your grant is approved, you will be asked to formally accept the Grant Terms and Conditions. Additional terms may be set by the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group which are specific to your grant – these will be made clear to you if your grant is approved.

The Tier 1 grant criteria, application form and Grant Terms and Conditions may be found here – please read both of the following documents carefully when considering whether your grant application meets the Fund criteria:

(Please pay close attention to clause g within the application form, which explains that the Tier 1 stream cannot be used to support staffing costs or building projects.)

Submitting a Tier 1 grant application

All Tier 1 grant applications must be sent to the diocesan bishop for written support no later than 28 working days before submission to the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group.

Once support is gained from the diocesan bishop, your Tier 1 grant application can be submitted to churchgrowthfund@cinw.org.uk by the deadlines noted below.

All Tier 1 grant applications will be considered by the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group and grant applications must be submitted no later than 14 working days before the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group is due to meet.

The deadlines for submitting Tier 1 grant applications are:

  • 8 May 2024 (for Group meeting on 29 May 2024)
  • 23 August 2024 (for Group meeting on 12 September 2024)

Tier 1 grant applications will then be considered by the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group. You can find all dates for the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group meetings here: Provincial meeting dates

Applicants will be informed of the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group’s decision as soon as possible and no later than five working days after the Group has met.

Therefore, in practice, you should aim to finalise your Tier 1 grant application at least a month before the deadline (to enable you to submit the application both to the diocesan bishop and Church Growth Fund Allocation Group within each respective deadline and allow time to make amendments as necessary).

Here’s some guidance on submitting your Tier 1 grant application:
Submit Tier 1 grant application to diocesan bishop by:
Submit Tier 1 grant application to churchgrowthfund@cinw.org.uk no later than:
For review at Church Growth Fund Allocation Group on:
Receive decision from Church Growth Fund Allocation Group by:
17 April 2024 8 May 2024 29 May 2024 5 June 2024
15 August 2024 23 August 2024 12 September 2024 19 September 2024