The Church Growth Fund

This is a crucial moment in our history. The Church Growth Fund is a once-in-a generation opportunity to resource confident and consistent evangelism throughout the province. It aims to see people encounter Jesus, come to faith, be baptised and become disciples. The Fund will enable the Church in Wales to develop new and exciting ways to share the good news about Jesus Christ – a message with the power to transform lives and communities across Wales.
£100 million of capital reserves have been set aside to invest in evangelism through this fund over the next 10 years.
The Fund was launched in October 2023. The criteria for administering the Fund were agreed by the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group, which is also responsible for assessing and approving grant applications.
There are two tiers of funding for the Church Growth Fund:
- The first, tier 1, is for grant applications for no more than £10,000, mainly from ministry/mission areas, for work which is both innovative locally and replicable nationally. Please pay close attention to clause g within the application form, which explains that the Tier 1 stream cannot be used to support staffing costs or building projects.
- The second, tier 2, is for grant applications for more than £10,000. Applications may only be made by individual dioceses, dioceses working in partnership or the six cathedrals as a group.
Use the links below to find more detailed guidance on submitting Tier 1 and Tier 2 grant applications.
You can find answers to frequently asked questions about grant applications to the Church Growth Fund here: FAQs - Church Growth Fund.
You can find the meeting dates of the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group here: Provincial meeting dates
If you can't find an answer to your question or you need more information, please feel free to contact the Church Growth Fund team at