
Having tragically lost my husband, age 59, to terminal cancer, I couldn’t have been more grateful for the support I received from our local vicar. He gently guided us through the things we needed to consider and supported us, emotionally and practically, at a time when arranging a funeral was the last thing we wanted to be discussing. I honestly don’t know how we would have got through planning the service, attending the funeral and the interring of Mike’s ashes without his support and kindness. I find comfort from attending church now and it has become my ‘safe’ place. I also received such incredible pastoral care and, in my darkest hours, the vicar taught me that ‘having faith doesn’t stop bad things happening but God walks alongside you when they do'.Amanda Fenton (Thornhill, Cardiff)
The funeral
Organising a funeral can be an incredibly difficult and challenging thing to do, especially so when you’re having to say goodbye to someone you love and who has been a big part of your life. The Church in Wales is here to help and support you, not only in planning the funeral service itself, but for as long as you need us afterwards.
Christians believe that each and every person is uniquely made in the image of God, and we understand that a funeral needs to reflect all that was special about the person you knew and loved, whether that service takes place at a church, crematorium or burial ground.
Despite the strong feelings of loss and grief that we often experience when a loved one dies, Church in Wales funerals will always reflect the great hope and comfort that lies at the heart of the Christian faith. This assures us that this life is not all that there is, and through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God promises a place where there is no more death, or tears, or sadness.
Just as every person is unique, so should their funeral be. The church minister, often referred to as a vicar, will encourage you to talk about the person you want to give thanks for and the life you want to celebrate. They can help you plan the service, and together discuss what’s possible.
There are lots of ways in which you can make the funeral feel really personal: what is said about your loved one, what you’d like people to wear, the music that is played, the readings that are chosen, the prayers that are said, or maybe choosing a photograph to place at the front.
We are here to support you before, during and after the funeral. Please do get in touch to discuss how we can help.
Planning a funeral
The following links will offer some useful information and advice about what to do when someone dies, and how to begin thinking about arranging a funeral that looks and feels right for you.