General Election 2024

The Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, is urging people to show respect and civility in the General Election campaign. In a statement, following the announcement of the Election on July 4, he also calls for the poorest and most marginalised people to be remembered.
Archbishop's statement
As our country faces important choices about the future, I would urge everyone to make full use of our democratic freedoms and to take part in the debates and the decisions which are before us, and to exercise their right to vote. I would call on politicians, commentators and the public to engage with the process in a spirit of respect and civility and to recognise that, whatever our political views may be, we all share the same aim of pursuing the common good and creating a better society. And through the whole process, it is our prayer as Christians that the needs of the poorest and most marginalised in our society will always be remembered.
From how to organise hustings to what to pray and preach about, you will find helpful advice and ideas on all aspects of the General Election at the following web pages.
Register to vote and photo ID
You have until Tuesday, June 18, to register to vote. This will also be the first General Election where you will need photo ID to vote. You can register and apply for free photo ID online.
Hosting a husting
Be at the centre of democracy for your community by holding a hustings for local parliamentary candidates where they can talk about their policies and priorities and be questioned by voters. Find advice here
Election Special
The Joint Public Issues Team has produced a variety of useful resources on voter registration and ID, hustings guidance, issues briefings and ways to preach and pray.
Poverty rally and toolkit
Tackling poverty is a priority for Christians. The Let's End Poverty movement has a useful toolkit to help you meet with your parliamentary candidates to talk about poverty, going through how to plan, prepare for and host your conversation.
Pray Your Part
Join a 21-day journey of prayer and reflection called Pray Your Part. The Church of England is producing a series of daily thematic reflections written by bishops, drawn from the Bible and exploring major themes, to cover the final three weeks up to polling day. They will be available as a booklet, in audio form for smart speakers, as free opt-in emails and through social media.
Politics and Faith
Christians cannot stay locked behind the stoned walls of their churches, looking out at society from a distance through stained-glass windows.
Our Director of Ministry Development, Canon Dr Trystan Owain Hughes, examines why Christians need to 'do' politics, in his insightful blog.