Christians should rightly be offended into action
"The cost-of-living crisis is the next chapter for the Church to rise and bring the Kingdom of God present today in all its fullness," says The Rev Steve Bunting MBE in our latest Food and Fuel blog.

At the core of Christianity is the knowledge that you are loved, saved, honoured and that you have a purpose, often beyond we you could ever imagine. It is the knowledge that you are priceless in the eyes of God, created in his image to build his kingdom here on Earth.
The gospels are full of the compassion and care of Jesus Christ for those in need.
It is a simple fact that poverty denies people the reality of that experience. It contributes to family breakdown, mental health problems, academic under achievement for young people and higher chance of addiction to various things. The gospels are full of the compassion and care of Jesus Christ for those in need and its far too simplistic to quote simple passages from scripture. What the world needs is Christians who are unwilling to stand by as their neighbour is hungry, as children sleep in the cold and dark at night, as pensioners choose between heating or eating.

Christians should rightly be offended into action when Gods people suffer and do not have live in all its fullness. The church is uniquely placed with a presence in every community as has been rightly called God’s hope for the world. The cost-of-living crisis is the next chapter for the Church to rise and bring the Kingdom of God present today in all its fullness.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is heaven.
Christians should rightly be offended into action when Gods people suffer.
Food and Fuel: Tackling Wales' cost of living crisis
Join the campaignAbout Rev Steve Bunting
The Revd Steve Bunting MBE raised £1.4m to redevelop St Thomas’ Church, in Swansea’s Eastside, into a home for all its ministries including the local food bank, Baby Basics - a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families, as well as a place of worship fit for the future. The church is now home to a not-for-profit café and conference/wedding reception venue called the Spire where all proceeds go straight back into the community.
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