Gower Pilgrimage Way to launch

The Gower Pilgrimage Way, which offers visitors a 50-mile route linking 17 historic churches , will have its official launch in May.
Visitors will be able to learn more about the churches, and the lives and faith of the Celtic saints who founded them, including several chapels and other Christian sacred sites along the way.
The project, led by Gower Ministry Area, has been organised by David Pope, who said, "It runs from Penclawdd in the north-east, around the peninsula, finishing at Bishopston in the south-east, giving visitors the opportunity to discover and experience the rich heritage of the Gower churches, which continue to serve as places of faith and worship."
In addition to the walking path, there is also a cycling route which follows minor roads wherever possible.

The project's logo has been designed by Gower artist Emma Bissonnet, and the central image depicts the 7-9th century stone which is now located inside St Madoc's Church, Llanmadoc.
"Our website - www.gowerpilgrimageway.org - has been launched in English. This shows the detailed walking and cycling routes, with maps and directions, and also contains links to pages giving detailed information on the history and interesting features of the churches. A Welsh language version of the website should be available in the next few months, and we are very grateful to University of Wales Trinity Saint David for providing the translation resource for this. A printed booklet is also in preparation, showing the walking and cycling routes," David said.
"We have set up two Facebook groups, 'Gower Pilgrimage Way' in English, and 'Llwybr Pererindod Gwyr' in Welsh, and these already have nearly 500 members.
Waymarker signs, based on our logo, will be installed along the route, and we are also commissioning the first interpretation panels, which will be installed in the churchyards and will display information on the history and interesting features of each church."
The official launch will take place in May but visitors are welcome on the route at any time.
"We are working on arrangements for access to the churches at times when they would not normally be open, although this might not always be possible at the moment," David said.
"We will have a stand to promote the Gower Pilgrimage Way at the Gower Show on Sunday, 31 July, in the Gower Churches tent. Please call in to say hello if you are at the show.
"Finally, the Gower Pilgrimage Festival will take place from 10 - 18 September, in conjunction with CADW's Open Doors month, with guided walks, pilgrimage-themed services and other events in the churches. These will be advertised, with further details, nearer to the time."
The project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government and supported by Swansea Rural Development Partnership at Swansea Council.