Church in Wales Review 2012
The September 2010 meeting of the Governing Body was notable for the number of contributions from members with a common message: “The Church in Wales cannot go on doing the same things in the same way; some things need to change and we are open to – and indeed encourage – that possibility”.
The Standing Committee and Bench of Bishops responded to this call by appointing an external review of the Church, with particular reference to its structures and use of resources, to increase the effectiveness of the Church’s ministry and witness. The Review Group’s members are prominent thinkers with a blend of experience in dealing with matters ecclesiastical and organisational: Lord Harries of Pentregarth, the former Bishop of Oxford; Professor Charles Handy, the eminent writer and adviser on business and organisational theory (and son of a Church of Ireland archdeacon); and Professor Patricia Peattie, former Convenor of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Standing Committee and the first chairwoman of the Lothian University Hospitals NHS Trust. The aim was to commission a review that could move quickly to gather and assimilate information about the state of the Church in Wales, then provide independent advice on how the Church might reshape itself to be more effective in the twenty-first century.
ref: 1290