Prayers: Anytime during Christmas
Additional Material for use throughout the Christmas Season
These prayers may be used for private or public devotion throughout the Christmas Season:
Almighty God,
born in David’s town, Jesus your Son, the promised Messiah,
has come into the world to bring unity to the whole of creation
and gather the whole of humanity into your kingdom of light and peace.
As we worship with poor shepherds,
the song of angels echoes in our ears,
and fills our hearts with hymns of praise.
May our prayer for peace bear fruit in the lives of all people
that the whole world may resound with your love.
We make our prayer through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Glory to you Lord God,
almighty God and Father,
we give you thanks and praise you for your glory
and rejoice in the birth of your incarnate Son.
Cradled in a manger he sustains the world with his love
and nourishes us with the gift of himself,
for he is the Bread of Life, who has come down from heaven
to live in the midst of his people.
Open our hearts to his presence in our lives
and send us out to share the good news of salvation he brings.
We ask this through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord God,
you bless the world with the gift of your Son,
who fills the world with light and life.
As we rejoice in the mystery of his birth,
may the song of angels and the worship of the shepherds,
the love of Mary and the dedication of Joseph,
bring us closer to the knowledge of our Saviour’s love
and help us discern his presence in our lives,
for he is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.
All powerful God and Father,
the royal town of David, the lowly shepherd king,
is filled with promises of the Messiah’s birth,
and yet there is no room for our Saviour.
When his newborn cries break the silence of the dark night,
the brightness of our God dawns across the earth
and fills the heavenly messengers with songs of joy
bringing news of peace to shepherds watching in the night.
Making haste from their hilltop home they see their Saviour laid in straw,
and speak in wondrous ways about the promises fulfilled.
May the joy and peace of Jesus’ birth
illuminate the darkness threatening the earth
and gather young and old to marvel at the mystery of our Incarnate God.
May our living space be filled with Jesus’ presence
and provide a wondrous welcome for the King and Shepherd of us all,
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayers after Communion
God our Father,
filled with awe and wonder
we have feasted at the table of your Son,
who, at his birth in Bethlehem was cradled in a feeding trough,
and feeds the world with the gift of himself.
May the gifts we have received at his table
strengthen and sustain us
that, filled with the good news of salvation and peace for all on earth,
we will proclaim his presence to the whole human race
through lives marked by holiness and love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
God our Father,
we praise you for all we have seen and heard,
for all we have received at the table of your Son.
Strengthen us to share the good news of his birth
and rejoice in the grace which make us heirs with him
to look forward with faith to the fullness of eternal life;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty God,
the light that shines in the darkness
has filled our lives, dispelled the shadows of the night
and filled us with his grace and truth.
May we, who rejoice in the Word made flesh
and who have welcomed him into our midst,
proclaim good news, be heralds of peace, and bring happiness to others.
We raise our voices and shout for joy together,
for we have seen our King who consoles his people
and brings salvation to the whole human race.
Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Times and Seasons: Advent to the Presentation