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Church bells to toll and prayers said across Wales

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Church bells will be tolled and prayers said today following the death of Her Majesty the Queen.Cathedrals and churches are being encouraged to toll bells between noon and 1pm today (Friday) and flags will be flown at half-mast. Churches will also be open for prayer and reflection and people will be invited to sign books of condolences and light a candle.Special services are also being planned.General guidance for churches on marking the death of Her Majesty is available online. It also has advice on flying flags at half-mast, ringing muffled and half-muffled bells and opening books of condolences.Liturgies for Special Commemorative Services and the Holy Eucharist, as well as prayers, in Welsh and English, are also available.

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Guidance following the death of Her Majesty

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Among those churches ringing muffled bells and opening a book of condolences will be St Davids Cathedral and St John the Baptist Church, CardiffSpecial services this weekend include:A Choral Holy Eucharist of Requiem for her Late Majesty will be offered at St Deiniol’s Cathedral, Bangor, at 6pm today (Friday), at which the Assistant Bishop of Bangor will preach and the Choir will sing Gabriel Fauré's setting of the Requiem.The Archbishop will lead prayers for Her Late Majesty, His Majesty The King and The Royal Family at the Choral Holy Eucharist at 11am this coming Sunday, Saint Deiniol's Day, and the Assistant Bishop of Bangor will lead prayers at Choral Evensong at 3.30pm.A service of Choral Evensong at St Asaph Cathedral at 6pm this evening (Friday)Choral Evensong in Commemoration of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Newport Cathedral today at 6.30pm.A service of choral evensong will take place at the Brecon Cathedral on Friday 09 September at 17.30hrs. A special memorial service to remember the late Queen will be held at the Cathedral on Sunday 18 September at 11.00am.Choral Evensong at St Davids Cathedral at 6pm today. There will also be a Memorial Eucharist with Fauré’s Requiem sung on Sunday at 11.15pm.