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Bishop visits town after school stabbing

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The Bishop of St Davids, Dorrien Davies, visited Ammanford on Friday (April 24) in the wake of the stabbing incident at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman that left three people injured and an entire community stunned.Bishop Dorrien, who was in Ireland at the time of the incident, met local clergy, staff and volunteers at All Saints Church, which stands opposite the school. He lit candles and led prayers for those affected before visiting the school to meet staff and doing a walkabout in the town centre.Vicar Alison Reeves told the Bishop of the shocked silence that had descended on the town. “We went for a walk around [the day after the incident] and there was nobody out and about,” she said. “People are finding it hard to believe that such a thing could happen in a place like this.” Bishop Dorrien thanked clergy and church members for the support they offered to parents as they waited at the gates, not knowing if their children were safe. “This has been a terrible experience for the whole of Ammanford,” he said. “There are many victims here and it will take time for people to recover. We will hold them in our hearts and prayers and do whatever we can as a Church to help them towards some sort of reconciliation.”

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