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Draft Lambeth Call “undermines and subverts” LGBT+ people, say Bishops

The draft Lambeth Call on human dignity “undermines and subverts” LGBT+ people, say Church in Wales bishops
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Provincial news

Lambeth Conference is a chance to ‘speak and act for the good of our world’

Church in Wales bishops will be joining hundreds of other bishops from across the world next week for the Anglican Communion conference
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Provincial news

Emergency appeal launched for East Africa

Following the worst drought in 40 years, millions of people in East Africa are facing the threat of famine and death
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Provincial news

African Bishop to give prestigious St Asaph lecture

An Anglican Bishop from Tanzania is to present a lecture in St Asaph Cathedral on his way to this year’s Lambeth Conference.
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Provincial news

Famous Bible translator returns to his church

A carved oak statue of the translator of the Bible into Welsh is on display in his church in Powys.
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New Archdeacon for Anglesey

Revd John Harvey returns to his home diocese
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New priests and deacons to be ordained

People across Wales will begin new lives in ministry this Petertide
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Natasha to become Church's youngest priest

'I've wanted to be a vicar since I was seven' says 25-year-old being ordained this weekend
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Tower of flowers brings festival joy

A cascade of more than 2,000 fabric flowers is on display at a church tower
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Crown festival celebrates Jubilee

Giant replica of St Edward's crown is centrepiece of community display
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