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Measure your church’s carbon with our Energy Footprint Tool

A quick and easy way for churches to find out their carbon emissions
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Now the green blade rises - ways to nurture nature

As spring finally arrives, it's time to celebrate the nature around us
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Porvoo conference explores Eucharistic life

A report from the recent international meeting of Anglican and Lutheran churches
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Retreat focuses on Sacramental ministry

'How to keep the main thing, the main thing' was the subject of reflections and talks
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Churches across Europe call for action on climate change

Our Director of Climate Change reports from the ECEN conference
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Fayre on the Green

Find out why the summer fete is an eco winner
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The Archbishop’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

Archbishop Andrew John's daily blog
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Are you driven by true compassion?

Food and Fuel blog: The Good Samaritan
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Christians should rightly be offended into action

Read our latest Food and Fuel blog
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Why we're doing Hallowe'en differently this year

One Christian parent explains why she'll be doling out the treats on Hallowe'en
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A pilgrimage worth doing twice

As St Davids prepares to celebrate a 900th anniversary of pilgrimage we joined one of the ancient routes around the sacred site
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