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Provincial news

Bishops visit Faith in Families centres

Two bishops have visited one of the Church in Wales' flagship family centres
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Provincial news

People unite for Covid service of thanks and hope

People from all walks of life will come together for a service as Wales recovers from the pandemic
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Provincial news

Churches prepare to 'count on nature'

Join the Churches Count on Nature event
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Provincial news

Join Thy Kingdom Come prayer wave

Pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ from Ascension to Pentecost.
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Provincial news

‘Give thanks for our Queen’ – Bishops’ Jubilee statement

'The Queen has won the hearts of her people through a life of dignity, respect and commitment'
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Provincial news

Church heritage festival launches

Ten historic churches across South Wales take part in nine day Churches Unlocked festival
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Provincial news

'The world has the power to forge a better future', says new Archbishop

Archbishop Andrew John's enthronement service
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Provincial news

Bishops welcome conversion therapy ban commitment

Response to Welsh Government announcement
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Provincial news

Call for Russian Church to be ‘distanced’

Governing Body approves an emergency motion
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Provincial news

Archbishop calls for Russian Church to condemn Ukraine war

Presidential Address to the Governing Body
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Diocese News

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