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Charity marks 90 years by thanking widows

'WODS is one of the most unsung, but valuable areas of work within the Church'
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Provincial news

Pilgrim Prince

HRH Prince Charles visited St Davids Cathedral during his summer tour of Wales
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Provincial news

Cathedral to open as a Vaccination Centre

From Tuesday 6 July St Deiniol’s Cathedral in Bangor will be a home to the NHS Covid-19 vaccination team.
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Nine new priests to be ordained in St Asaph

For the second year running, ordinations will take place under Covid regulations
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Cardiff priest honoured with LGBT award

Canon Sarah Jones receives an Attitude Pride Award
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Senior Bishop's statement on offensive tweets

Bishop Andy apologises for hurt caused by the Bishop of St Davids' tweets
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Bishop makes appeal for refugees

'There is an unfortunate tendency to think the refugee crisis is solved'
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Provincial news

Appeal for support for refugees

Refugees at home and abroad are the focus of our appeal in Refugee Week
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Journeying with refugees

To mark Refugee Week we hear from a retired vicar who shares his home with a family of six refugees
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Churches go yellow for St John

Join in a national tribute to St John Ambulance volunteers on St John's Day
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