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Archbishop leads final service before retirement

Archbishop John Davies leads his final service before retiring today
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Provincial news

Archbishop's farewell message

Archbishop pays tribute to communities during the pandemic in his final message before he retires on Sunday
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Provincial news

Highlights of the Governing Body

Catch up on all the latest news from our Governing Body meeting
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Provincial news

Make your vote count – the Welsh Election

Voting is a hard won right and our responsibility, say the bishops
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Provincial news

Report reflects on changing role of clergy

The role of clergy in today’s changing church comes under the spotlight in a report published this week.
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Provincial news

I have a ‘joyful sense’ Church vision is being revived - Archbishop

Church is on track to be more inclusive, better organised and equipped and more focused on outreach, said the Archbishop in his final address to members
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Provincial news

Service to commemorate Prince Philip

Bishop of St Asaph leads a service to commemorate HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
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Provincial news

Church declares a climate emergency

Church declares a climate emergency, divests in fossil fuels and commits to net zero carbon emissions
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Provincial news

Join in a global wave of prayer

Thy Kingdom Come takes place between Ascension and Pentecost, May 13-23
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Provincial news

Archbishop pays tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh

Paying tribute to Prince Philip, the Archbishop said he had been a rock in the life of the Queen and had lived a life rooted in service and duty both to her and to others.
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