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Hygiene hampers help those in need

Churches launch project to ensure access to essential items
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Governing Body meeting adjourned

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'Churches are emerging from lockdown with a fresh spirit' - Archbishop

The pandemic had spurred churches onto new and exciting ways to offer ministry, said the Archbishop in his Governing Body address
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Provincial news

Governing Body meeting

Members will meet online due to COVID restrictions
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Call to be a global good neighbour

Christian Aid launches autumn appeal
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VJ Day - National Service of Thanksgiving

'Pledge to justice, truth and freedom from tyranny' - Archbishop
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VJ Day: Church displays Union Jack sewn by Far East prisoners of war

A Union Jack flag made by prisoners of war from materials salvaged around their camp is displayed in a Swansea church
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Keep the young at heart

Young people are the key to re-evangelising our nation, says the Revd Dr Mark Griffiths as we mark International Youth Day tomorrow (Aug 12).
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Provincial news

Pipe organs can be played in services

Welsh Government lifts restriction on playing pipe organs in church services
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Church gives out free face visors

Wrexham church has issued more than 600 face visors to those in need
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