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Churches invited to join a global chain of prayer

Be part of a world-wide movement of prayer for climate justice
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Provincial news

'Model St David' Archbishop of Wales urges politicians

Archbishop John Davies will urge politicians to model St David in their service to others at a St David’s Day service on Sunday.
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Provincial news

Church invests £5m in new projects for growth

Two ambitious projects to boost church growth in Wales have secured grants of nearly £5m between them.
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Provincial news

It's Fair Do's for Fair Trade

These days we’re used to seeing the Fairtrade label on many items in our local supermarkets but there is one shop in South Wales where everything on the shelves is ethically sourced.
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Provincial news

40 days and 40 nights - a guide to Lent

It may begin with pancakes and end with Easter eggs but Lent itself – which starts next week - is more about self-sacrifice than self-indulgence, says the Revd Dr Lorraine Cavanagh in our latest blog
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Provincial news

Convent runs its first retreat for young people

Put down the phone, unplug the laptop and hide the headphones- millennials are being invited to switch off
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Provincial news

Archbishop celebrates first church’s 95th birthday

A church built for a new mining village was the first to open in the newly formed Church in Wales and this month it is celebrating its 95th birthday.
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Provincial news

New Bishop of Monmouth consecrated

More than 400 people packed into Brecon Cathedral to celebrate the consecration of Bishop Cherry Vann
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Provincial news

Religious freedom talk

Lawyer who saved condemned Christian gives church talk
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Provincial news

Sharing our daily bread

A city centre church runs a breakfast club for people who are homeless
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