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Archbishop thanks those helping others

As the nation Claps for our Carers, Archbishop John thanks those helping to ease the burden of others in his latest film message.
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Provincial news

First virtual licensing of a new priest

Wrexham priest becomes the first in Wales to be licensed through a virtual service.
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Pastoral Guidance from the Bench of Bishops

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Archbishop's statement on new government measures

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Provincial news

Bring light to others - Archbishop

Join Archbishop John in prayer as you light a candle for hope this evening
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Provincial news

Help others this Mothering Sunday - Archbishop

Appeal to young people to do something positive for the community
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Provincial news

Call to keep churches open

The Archbishop is urging churches to say open so people can find somewhere for spiritual reflection and refreshment while services are suspended
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Provincial news

Church services are suspended

New advice from bishops calls for all church services and public worship to cease
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Provincial news

St Padarn's suspends face-to-face teaching

Ministry institute suspends Theology for Life groups and other face-to-face learning
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Provincial news

Governing Body meeting is postponed

April's meeting of the Governing Body is postponed
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