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Eisteddfod Llŷn and Eifionydd

Bangor Diocese welcomes visitors with host of events at the Maes
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Provincial news

Director of Evangelism appointed

Mandy Bayton will help ensure churches are resourced for outreach
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Provincial news

Church’s contribution to Welsh culture explored in new book

Collection of essays by renowned scholars will be launched at the National Eisteddfod
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Provincial news

Heritage Watch helps churches tackle metal theft

Stem the rise in metal theft by reporting all incidents to Wales’ special heritage crime team
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Provincial news

‘We are rediscovering the power of pilgrimage’ – Archbishop

Archbishop's address at national service to mark 900th pilgrimage anniversary at St Davids
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Provincial news

King and Queen visit Brecon Cathedral to celebrate its centenary

Visit marked centenary of Cathedral as mother church of the diocese
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Provincial news

Bishops pledge joint support for historic shrine

Historic agreement is signed by RC and Anglican bishops
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Provincial news

Service celebrates 900 years of pilgrimage at St Davids

The Archbishop of Wales will lead the service at St Davids Cathedral
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Provincial news

Churches mark Safeguarding Sunday

'Protecting vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message' - Archbishop
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Provincial news

Cathedral celebrates creation

Event features 100 children from four north Wales schools who have been working on a plastic waste project
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