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Safety of Rwanda law is ‘neither moral nor practical’ – Archbishop

Archbishop Andrew John warns law sets a ‘dangerous precedent’
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Bishop holds school in his prayers after serious incident

Bishop of St Davids and All Saints Church respond to reports of stabbing at school
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Archbishop calls for halt to “indefensible abuse” of rivers

Rivers are dying as they are poisoned by pollution, warns Archbishop Andrew John
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Now the green blade rises - ways to nurture nature

As spring finally arrives, it's time to celebrate the nature around us
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Provincial news

New Dean of Llandaff appointed

The Vicar of one of the largest churches in Wales is to be the next Dean of Llandaff
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Notice of Sacred Synod meeting

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Governing Body meeting – April 17-18

The crisis facing Wales’ rivers and waterways is on the agenda of a key Church meeting
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Bishops' Easter messages

Easter messages and reflections from our diocesan bishops
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Churches welcome celebrities on pilgrimage

New BBC series follows journey on North Wales Pilgrim's Way
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‘Selfless love transforms communities’ - Archbishop’s Easter Message

Politicians alone can’t solve all the problems facing our country, warns Archbishop Andrew
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