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Celebrating Open Table Network ministry

Two bishops host a service to celebrate ministry among the LGBTQIA+ community
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Bishops call for bold action on climate crisis

Bishops' statement on COP26
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Returning the ‘hallows’ to Halloween

It's time for Christians to reclaim Halloween, says Fr Lee Taylor
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Recovery Sunday focuses on addictions

October 31 will be another milestone in the history of the battle against addiction, says Cynnal consultant, Wynford Ellis Owen, in our latest blog
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Climate change

A rallying cry for climate justice

Make your voice heard on climate justice
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Provincial news

Festival of angels opens for Covid victims

Parishioners display 6,000 handmade angels as a message of hope
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Wales joins a 24-hour global wave of prayer

Church will lead one session in the event on November 30
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NHS and care workers offered bursary to go on retreat

Half the costs of a retreat will be paid as a thank-you for pandemic work
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'Highlights' of September's Governing Body meeting

Read the news from September's meeting
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Vicar who survived Covid publishes hymn book to inspire others

New book is dedicated to all who have died of Covid
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