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Climate change

Recycle: Bishop Joanna's Lent reflection

This week’s Lent reflection focuses on the word Recycle and is by the Bishop of St Davids, Joanna Penberthy
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Provincial news

Archbishop joins call for halt to aid cuts

Archbishop and Christian Aid call on the UK government to halt proposed aid cuts
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Provincial news

Join the National Day of Reflection – March 23

Call to remember all victims of the Covid pandemic on the first anniversary of lockdown
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Provincial news

Restore: Bishop June's Lent reflection

This week’s Lent reflection focuses on the word Restore and is by the Bishop of Llandaff, June Osborne.
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Provincial news

Volunteers help prisoners restore justice

Our latest Lent feature focuses on a prison chaplaincy initiative
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Provincial news

Archbishop's St David's Day message

Doing 'the little things' can make a big difference, says Archbishop John Davies
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Provincial news

Bishop invites debate of future of Wales

St Asaph Bishop asks, what sort of Wales should emerge from lockdown?
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Provincial news

Bishop's St David's Day message

Join in a live-streamed service from the shrine of St David
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Provincial news

On retreat in lockdown

Why we need to go on retreat during lockdown
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Climate change

Bishop launches virtual pilgrimage to climate talks

Join in a walk to raise awareness of the climate emergency
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