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Trainee vicar offers lockdown hope through daily poems

Ordinand posts a poem a day on social media to try and lift people's spirits
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Click and connect: Digital Church reflections

Find out how Digital Church is going in our new blog series
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Vicar co-ordinates hub to make face shields

Coronavirus PPE hub is producing hundreds of face shields for the NHS, care homes, GPs and community nurses.
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Archbishop's Easter message

Easter is about facing down the darkness and finding light and love, says Archbishop John
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Parish responds with CARE to pandemic

More than 100 people have signed up to volunteer for a church-run project to help those in need during the coronavirus lockdown.
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Church leaders unite in response to Covid-19

Church leaders from Britain and Ireland are calling on people to join together in prayer this Holy Week and Easter.
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Archbishop thanks those helping others

As the nation Claps for our Carers, Archbishop John thanks those helping to ease the burden of others in his latest film message.
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First virtual licensing of a new priest

Wrexham priest becomes the first in Wales to be licensed through a virtual service.
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Pastoral Guidance from the Bench of Bishops

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Archbishop's statement on new government measures

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