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Volunteers offered key roles in ministry

Find out more about being a pastoral assistant, worship leader or catechist
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Governing Body meeting – September 5-6

Find out what's on the agenda at next month's key meeting
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Provincial news

Churches focus on homelessness

Our latest blog looks at how churches can sign up to Homelessness Sunday and help the growing number of homeless people
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Holiday-makers compete to build churches on the beach

Clergy help judge annual sand church competition
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Christian healing explored in Cathedral event

Free event focuses on physical, mental and spiritual healing
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New anthem celebrates Diocese's centenary

Composed by Mal Pope, and featuring a host of famous names, the anthem will be performed at September’s centenary celebration festival
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Eisteddfod Llŷn and Eifionydd

Bangor Diocese welcomes visitors with host of events at the Maes
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Director of Evangelism appointed

Mandy Bayton will help ensure churches are resourced for outreach
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Church’s contribution to Welsh culture explored in new book

Collection of essays by renowned scholars will be launched at the National Eisteddfod
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Heritage Watch helps churches tackle metal theft

Stem the rise in metal theft by reporting all incidents to Wales’ special heritage crime team
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